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IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FOR M.A. ENGLISH PART II EXAMINATION                                       PAPER 1 (POETRY) S.T Coleridge 1.     Coleridge as a poet of supernatural 2.     Coleridge as a narrator/story teller 3.     Critical appreciation of the Rime of ANCIENT MARINER John Keats   1.     Keats as a poet of beauty 2.     Keats: the pure poet 3.     Sensuousness of Keats 4.     Negative capability of Keats 5.     Critical appreciation of the ODE ON GRECIAN URN 6.     Critical appreciation of ODE TO THE NIGHTINGALE William Blake 1.     Blake as a romantic poet 2.     Blake’s mysticism 3.     Blake’s depiction of childhood 4.   ...

William Blake Biography

William Blake Biography Portrait William Blake once considered mad for his idiosyncratic views, Blake is highly regarded today for his expressiveness and creativity, as well as the philosophical and mystical undercurrents that reside within his work. His work has been characterized as part of the Romantic movement, or even "Pre-Romantic", for its largely having appeared in the 18th century. Reverent of the Bible but hostile to the established Church, Blake was influenced by the ideals and ambitions of the French and American revolutions, as well as by such thinkers as Jacob Boehme and Emanuel Swedenborg. Despite these known influences, the originality and singularity of Blake's work make it difficult to classify. One 19th century scholar characterised Blake as a "glorious luminary," "a man not forestalled by predecessors, nor to be classed with contemporaries, nor to be replaced by known or readily surmisable successors." E...