Pride and Prejudice: Title Pride and Prejudice was first written in 1797 under the title “First Impressions ” . It was later revised and published under the title “Pride and Prejudice” in 1813 . In the novel, first impressions do play an important part: Elizabeth is misled in her judgment and estimation of both Darcy and Wickham . Her regard and sympathy for Wickham and her hostility and prejudice against Darcy are due to the first impressions . But when we study the novel deeply and seriously we can easily see that the title “Pride and Prejudice” is more apt and more befitting to it. The first impressions which the character gets of each other take up only the first few chapters. The novel is more about the pride of Darcy and the prejudice of Elizabeth an d the change of attitude in Darcy and Elizabeth’s correction of her first impression. At the apparent level , we see that Darcy embodies pride – he is possessed by family pride. ...
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