The Importance of Being Earnest, A Trivial Comedy for Serious People. , When asked what one could expect from “The Importance of Being Earnest”, Mr. Oscar Wilde said, “It is exquisitely trivial, a delicate bubble of fancy, and it hasits philosophy… that we treat all the trivial things of life seriously, and allthe serious things of life with sincere and studied triviality.” Indeed,his play is peopled with desperately trivial characters, manipulating andcoping with a stifling, hollow system of rules to maintain their classdistinction and privileges. At least two of them invent alter egos to escape this hell and to pursue their dreams of love and romance. Through parody, irony and verbal paradox, Mr. Wilde adroitly strips off what Cecily calls “the shallow mask of manner” to reveal the hypocrisy and prejudice that prevailed in a society obsessed with appearance and propriety – one that was divided by class, money, gender and generation. People ...
House of Notes for all kind of examination/subjects notesvilla - A marketplace for students and teachers to share school and college study notes online. You can buy or sell is a site which is developed for the student where they can exchange their study notes. site is developed using code igniter framework. technology used : Codeigniter+ MysQL What you will get - complete source code along with the user database and notes already uploaded by students domain validity till